hello great team,
I havent found in the widgets area any possibility to add facebook and linkedin :( I need to add a simple icon on the footer area (as we see in majority of sites). How can I do it? Thank you!
Hi Soapmarine!
You can use the icon shortcode, generate it on a post or a page then copy the actual shortcode on a text widget. The icon shortcode look like this:
[av_font_icon icon='ue8f5' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='manually,http://' linktarget='' color='' size='40px' position='left' custom_class=''][/av_font_icon]
I created an icon in advanced layout mode but can’t figure out how to grab the actual short code…
Hi @frescova!
Try activating debug mode:
Best regards,