Hey there,
I’m just fine-tuning the website.. the support here so far has been fantastic!
I had a question about the Layer Slider. I would like to keep it responsive but I was wondering if all the content could be centered. Whenever I view it on a large screen… the content of the layer slider is aligned all the way to the left so it looks a bit funky. I’ve posted an example below… (I would like to keep everything within the section I grayed out)
Let me know if there’s something quick I can adjust that I’m not seeing in the options.. You can view it live here: http://godsfingerprints.net/spiritual-wallpapers/
Thanks so much!
Hi Jason,
I believe its all in how you set up the slideshow. IE – the demo data slideshow is auto centered by way of its set up so you can look at that one as an example.
Edit: Saw this just now in another topic spelled out, Go LayerSlider WP > Select the slider > Global Options > Basic > Layers Container. Specify a width in pixels for the container. This will constrain the elements at the center.
Perfect. Thank you!
Glad we could help :)
Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.
I have tried as per your above text but still i cant resolved this problem , any other idea for me ?
what width will be in px ?