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  • #241677


    I just noticed a minor bug (I think) and didnt know how to submit it without creating a topic.

    I built a Faq for my website and tested it on an iphone 5, latest iOS, Safari browser.
    The line with the catergories to sort the toggles gets cut off on the right side of the screen.
    The last point “Technik” does not break into a new line but gets cut off at “Te”.

    I am not quite sure if my page layout could cause the problem because there is nothing but the accordion and one icon box.
    Please have a look at this little problem.

    Best regards


    Hey Julien90!

    You can add on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #av_section_1 > div > main > div > div > div.flex_column.av_two_third.first.avia-builder-el-1.el_before_av_one_third.avia-builder-el-first > div.togglecontainer.toggle_close_all.avia-builder-el-3.el_after_av_heading.avia-builder-el-last.enable_toggles > div {
    word-wrap: break-word;



    Hello Ismael,

    thank you. That fixed the problem.

    I have one more question now: Do I have to save the css snippet and add it after every Theme Update or will you include this fix in the next theme update?

    Best regards



    You can keep it in Quick CSS section and it will not get lost when you update the theme as long as you keep the theme names the same

    Best regards,

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