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  • #23751

    Hey, in the Choices slider customizations you could either make the slider area go full width or you could make it adjust to the page layout with the sidebar to the right. I’m utilizing Enfold and am making a slider in the LayerSlider area. I can’t figure out how to make the slider created in the Layer Slider be adjusted to the page.



    Go LayerSlider WP > Select a slider > Global Settings > Basic > Slider width. 1030 seems to be the exact width.




    I changed the slider width to 50%, but it still wants to take up the full width of of the page. I want the right sidebar to be to the right of the slider.




    I marked this thread for Kriesi and asked him to comment on this issue.

    Best regards,




    I am sorry this is currently not possible. for now you would need to use the easy slider element for such a task. Will think about adding a layerslider element for the builder that is not fullwidth, but there are quite a few other requests which we need to handle first ;)



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