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  • #237233

    Hi friends and once again thank you very much for all your efforts, patience and wonderlicious support.
    I hope my question was clear.
    This question is also valid for any portfolioGrid placed in a portfolioItem’s page.

    Thanks a ton and warm regards.
    Wish you the very best,

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Bedros.

    Hi Bedros!

    I didn’t test the code but try to insert it at the very bottom of functions.php:

    	function avia_remove_current_entry_from_query($query, $params)
            $id = avia_get_the_ID();
            $query['post__not_in'] = array($id);
    	    return $query;
    	add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_remove_current_entry_from_query', 10, 2);
    	add_filter('avia_post_grid_query', 'avia_remove_current_entry_from_query', 10, 2);
    	add_filter('avia_post_slide_query', 'avia_remove_current_entry_from_query', 10, 2);
    	add_filter('avia_blog_post_query', 'avia_remove_current_entry_from_query', 10, 2);

    It should exclude the current page/post from the portfolio grid query.



    Hi Peter, thanks very much for your prompt response.

    I can add it to my childTheme, right?
    Include the functons.php there and add only the code you have just sent me.

    Thank you very much, Peter.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Bedros.


    Yes, you would be able to add it to your child theme.



    Hi Devin, thanks very much for all your help.
    At the weekend, I also opened a new thread here, whenever you have some time please have a look at it , no hurries. Thanks very much for all.

    Kind Regards,

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