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  • #23574

    1) How do I put on the Russian site search results http://capitallogistic.by/?s =% D1% 81% D0% BA% D0% BB% D0% B0% D0% B4 for example, the phrase “12 search results for: “,” New Search

    If you are not happy with the results bellow please do another search “,” Page 2 of 2 “and in the search box” Search “on the Russian, please tell me how can I do that?

    that in the future all displayed on the Russian.

    2) Contact form:


    Concerning data entry forms on pages e-mail Comes only e-mail and 1 pole (of 2 Strock of 7). How have to be settings fields to the e-mail Prihodili all 7 strings!



    Why do not you answer my question? Other questions that were later answers are coming!


    1) Personally I’d recommend to translate Enfold with Codestyling: http://wordpress.org/plugins/codestyling-localization/

    a) Delete the file C:xampphtdocswp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-layersliderLayerSliderlanguagesLayerSlider-en_US.po because ii will break the codestyling plugin.

    b) Install & activate the plugin and go to Tools > Loccalisation to translate all themes/plugins. Search for the Enfold theme in the list and use the the wp-contentthemesenfoldlang folder as base directory.

    c) Click the button to generate the language files and then you can translate all text strings from the “avia_framework” textdomain (including the search results page).

    2) I don’t understand the question – please rephrase it.


    1) Thank you for plangin “Codestyling”. Plugin helped me a lot.

    2) I’ll try to rephrase the question:

    When using the contact form on the page http://capitallogistic.by/транспортные-услуги/грузоперевозки-по-г-минску and the page http://capitallogistic.by/транспортные -услуги/грузоперевозки-по-беларуси there was a problem sending lines that were filled by e-mail.

    After filling in all the rows in the e-mail sent only two lines:

    The following is an example of the message, which comes to e-mail.

    Your Message:

    E-mail :: e.shishkanu @ 5pl.by

    Phone :: Pallet

    The information from the other lines do not come to e-mail, but somewhere lost.

    Please help.


    In the contact form to set up Autorespond Text.

    You can try to use this form to understand what the problem is!



    I tested the Contact page on my end and it is working fine. Please watch this video to understand how to work with the contact page https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/64978019. Maybe it has something to do with the language.





    The problem specifically in the language. When the lines are of the name in English everything is working correctly by 100%. When the strings are called in Russian. Contact form does not work.

    The following are examples of testing:

    1) In English:

         Number of packages :: 15

         The number of points hydrating :: 10

         E-mail :: e.shishkanu @ 5pl.by

         Phone :: +375-29-3848654

         Company Name :: Capital Logistic

    **** working correctly

    2) Russian:

         E-mail :: e.shishkanu @ 5pl.by

         Phone :: Pallet

    **** not work

    Help me please. I think the exact same problem may also be in other languages.



    The problem I believe is that the code appends the latin root of each custom field with a suffix which is the title of the field. This works well when the title uses a latin alphabet , but if the title of the custom field is cyrillic there is a problem saving a field name that is half latin and half cyrillic.

    I am running a test now to verify this hypothesis.





    Please try this. open up /framework/php/function-set-avia-backend.php , and find the function which starts on line 97 and ends on line 128

    function avia_backend_safe_string( $string , $replace = "_")
    $string = strtolower($string);

    $trans = array(
    '&#d+?;' => '',
    '&S+?;' => '',
    's+' => $replace,
    'ä' => 'ae',
    'ö' => 'oe',
    'ü' => 'ue',
    'Ä' => 'Ae',
    'Ö' => 'Oe',
    'Ü' => 'Ue',
    'ß' => 'ss',
    '[^a-z0-9-._]' => '',
    $replace.'+' => $replace,
    $replace.'$' => $replace,
    '^'.$replace => $replace,
    '.+$' => ''
    $string = strip_tags($string);

    foreach ($trans as $key => $val)
    $string = preg_replace("#".$key."#i", $val, $string);

    return stripslashes($string);

    and replace it completely with the function found here , since all the symbols and tics are breaking the forum.

    This will translate the id of each form field into english while leaving the content in russian.

    Please let us know if this worked out for you.





    Thank you so much! Everything is working.

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