Hi Nice theme!
i have some problems with styling settings. if i change something in the styling options at the back end nothing happans at the front end of the website. boxed layout and widescreen does work but background, color changes etc doesn’t work. It don’t have any effect on the front end. Can you please help me out?
Robert Nobel
It is working, please don’t forget to Save Changes after. Remove browser cache then reload the page. If you continue to experience this issue, please download the latest version of Enfold on your theme forest account.
I have the exact same problem. I go into my “styling”, change something, DO press save changes, DO clear my cache (over and over, with different browsers), and..nothing…
Ok, i solved it. It’s tricky though. For others searching on this topic, I tried:
changing all permissions on the folder (and files) to 755 or 777,
clearing cloudflare cache,
clearing all browser cache (and numerous browsers)
disabling plugins,
I THOUGHT by clearing the cache on the plugins that would be enough, but no.. had to actually disable them. Weird.
Glad it works now :)
Best regards,