Hi, when using the Enfold gallery, the caption/title of an image shows up with the thumbnails, but not when the image is enlarged in the lightbox. Any way to add the caption/title there (just like the standard wordpress gallery has it)? thanks!
would be great to find out how the image caption can be displayed as this is a function present in the standard wordpress gallery. thanks!
Open up wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/gallery.php and replace:
$description = trim($attachment->post_content) ? esc_attr($attachment->post_content) : "";
$description = trim($attachment->post_content) ? esc_attr($attachment->post_content) : esc_attr(trim($attachment->post_excerpt));
We’ll add this fix to the next update.
thanks! that worked out great!