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  • #231654

    Hello there,

    the data tables are a bit confusing in the responsive mode, even in the Demo-Site beacause they yren´t really responsive.
    Also the button with the heart-icon doesn´t appear in the responsive mode.
    When I tried to create a data table for my site, it was a mystery to find what belongs where so I took it out.

    Would you please have a look at that again?

    Thank you!


    P.S. and let me know when it is fixed!



    I already sent a path to Kriesi which allows the user to make the table “scrollable” if the default responsive layout doesn’t make sense. It’s the same approach the bootstrap framework developers use to make the tables responsive: ( – see “Responsive Tables”) and it’s imo a better solution for complex data tables.

    Best regards,


    Hello Dude and thank you for your answer.
    To be honest, I don´t really understand how I can solve the problem as I am no programmer.
    I will try smth and let you know in case I need help.

    All the best

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