Tagged: enfold, layerslide
Hi guys,
[layerslider id=”1″] stopped functioning in the default editor after upgrade from Enfold 1.3.1 to 1.4
in the Themes interface version still shows 1.3.1 as that is still in style.css
Any ideas how i can correct that ?
You need to use following shortcode:
[av_layerslider id="1"]
Best regards,
That works :)
Thanks for the quick response.
I really love the theme, guys. Great job.
PS :
can I correct the version number (currently 1.3.1) in style.css to 1.4 without consequence ?
I know it’s a detail, but it irritates me that versioning is incorrect.
Hey John,
Yes of course! I typically go through and check those minor details before Kriesi uploads but it was out the door before I looked at it this time :)
It should be fixed when Kriesi gets back in the next day or so.