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  • #229767

    Hello Support,

    I am having an issue with the team member content element, where you can add a social service or icon link to a team member.
    The description says “Below each Team Member you can add Icons that link to destinations like facebook page, twitter account etc.”

    Doing so, I get the following results:
    (1) There is no icon below each team member, but when hovering over the picture the icon appears.
    => I’d rather would like to have it below the picture, but I see no option to do so.

    (2) When clicking on the picture then, I end up on my own 404-page
    => Instead of using the URL I entered into the field, it takes my homepage’s URL and adds the social-link-URL to it.

    Link to the page:

    Thanks for your support !


    Hey Katrin!

    1.) You can use the Icon Shortcode instead of the Team Member’s social option.

    2.) The URL should be “” not “”.



    Hey Ismael,

    yeep, thank you. It works now.


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