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  • #22858


    I have just bought Enfold. I have implemented ok, but the blogging form have a problema with the options that are included below the space to make comments. The option “yes add me to your mailing lists” and a check box are loosing alineation with the rest of the form.

    This problem appears in ALL the blog page options, small, big, etc.

    You can see it at my site in this simple page

    PLEASE, I need a way to correct this, I suppose that the problem is in CSS.

    Thank you in advance.



    Insert following css code into the quick css field:

    #commentform label {
    position: relative;
    left: 0;

    width: auto;

    Best regards,



    Please let me know how to find “quick css”.


    OK, I found in Enfold. BUT this not solve the problema, the problema is still there.


    It seems like you didn’t add the code into the quick css field – otherwise it would be at the end of this file:


    i have added and click Save All Changes, and the system answer “Allright Sparky… etc”


    Hey, I have just noted that the problema appears ONLY in Chrome. In IE is working well.


    In Firefox is working well, too. Only problema with Chrome.



    For me it also works fine with Chrome now (my standard browser). Please try to clear the browser cache.




    For my Chrome is wrong. I dont know how it is possible, but is not working in Chrome. Do you have some way to force it?


    Hi Gambande,

    I don’t have any visual issues with it in Chrome either. My guess is you are viewing a cached version of the file somehow or its a local issue. This is how it loads with Chrome on my end:





    OK, I will try to see locally in another Chrome. Thank you for your support.

    Please dont close this thread, I will be back when I verify the solution.



    Please remove browser cache then reload the page to see the effect.



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