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  • #22737


    i can’t change, select or see the text in the text block ( content element ) of the avia layout builder during a few hours ? Everything was working fine but during a few hours, text disappear like there is a text in white color on white background but i can’t select it ???

    I know the text always here like you can see in this example :

    <textarea class=”avia_advanced_textarea avia_tinymce wp-editor-area” rows=”20″ cols=”40″ name=”aviaTBcontent” id=”aviaTBcontent” style=”visibility: hidden;”>
    You can display a google map widget anywhere you like. Here we are using the template builder to add a sidebar area at the top of the entry, then we add a google map widget to the area. You can add any number of other widget you like as well.

    i try to change color with debug tools with chrome like change style=”visibility: hidden; or change the text color but the text is still hidden.

    Also i haven’t got any plugin active and no quick css change ????

    It’s not a good day because i can’t see the link of my licence certificate on my enfold purchased item, so i can’t create e thread on your forum and normally i have to present my work to my client tomorrow…..


    Oups, sorry, forget the last sentence, i found the licence and have post a topic here ;-)

    Any idea of my problem ?


    Also in all the Text Block, i have insert a html code like this :

    <h2 style=”text-align: center;”>My text here</h2>



    An update has just been released. Please install it since its a big update.

    We can solve this in 5 minutes if you show us the actual page so we can use chrome dev tools or firebug to give you the code because I know you will reply that its not working if I try to guess at the css code. Here is my guess

    Please add this to your quick css located at Enfold > Layout or to your /css/custom.css file

    #top .avia_advanced_textarea {
    pointer-events: auto;
    display: inline-block;
    visibility:visible !important;

    I am not sure if i understand you other requests, please provide a url or screen captures with arrows to help us better understand your needs.



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