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  • #22666

    Okay some basic questions:

    I have Abundance and have used shortcodes to put products into certain pages not just the SHOP page. i.e: Bracelets on a bracelet page, Necklaces on the Necklace page, etc. But now I want to add CSS to make the font and sizes specific to my products across the board.

    Where do I put the CSS code, in the quick CSS? and how do I specify my products on this one.

    Also my pictures are showing up stretched, I imported them before I got this theme do I have to upload them again or where do I see the correct sizes they should be not to be misshapen? how do I fix this…


    Hope you can help a newbie…




    There is no way to manually specify a styling for each product. Although you can style a specific category page which, I guess, not the way you want it.

    Please try to regenerate the thumbnails using this plugin.




    So if I style Each specific category page will it change the fonts for the products on that page???

    And if so where do I do this SPECIFICALLY…




    Yes, you can style a specific category page but only the overview page of a certain category not the single view of the products included on that category. On the category overview page all you can change is the title of the products and the add to cart button text. For example you have a category named jewelry. You can add something like this on your custom.css or Quick CSS.

    .term-jewelry .product h3.cufon_headings {
    font-size: 20px;

    Another example is shoes. You can add .term-shoes instead.



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