I just had the weirdest thing happen to my site in the middle of development. I was working on a page and went to view the changes and it was a mess. All the sidebars in the site have changed from their respective pages to a completely different category of page. For example, my “Products & Services” page is now displaying the sidebar for the “About Us” section. My “Contact Us” section is missing a sidebar completely BUT looks as though it is now displaying 2 different sidebars in the body.
*** So I just realized that I used the child theme styler to change the footer from a 3 column layout to a 2 column layout. When I did this, it looks as though all the widgets moved up into the next widget container. So to clarify, my “About Us” menu widget container was empty BUT the “About Us” menu widget shifted up into the “Products & Services” widget container. So I had several empty widget containers and widgets that shifted up to the next container.
I went back into the styler and made it a 3 column footer layout and all was right with the world again for the most part. When I switched back into a 3 column, the widget that was previously under the “Footer 3” widget container was now in the “Footer 3” container. So there is still some modifications that I need to do to get it back to normal.
Any suggestion on what I can do to solve this. I have a request to make the footer a 2 column and I am not sure the best way to proceed.
Thank you
Hi TSG_Web!
WordPress has an unfortunate bug that when you remove a sidebar, all those sidebars after it in the list of sidebars have their widgets moved. So my guess is that you ran into this when you changed the footer column number and it jumbled what was where.
Best regards,