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  • #215825


    Thank you for all of your support thus far.

    I’m trying to display a full width panorama pic in my post via this plugin:

    My test page is here:
    In order for the panorama to display full width, it needs to be in a “container stretched full width” of the page.
    Could you offer any advice on how to make a full width container for this pano?
    If I could place the pano in the same position as the full width slider as in the theme demo, that would be ideal.
    Would it be difficult to place this pano in the slider container instead?

    Sorry if this is a stupid question (I have zero coding knowledge)

    Many thanks for your help.


    Hi jmalevic!

    You can place it inside a color section. Add a unique css selector id for the section, for example “mysection”. Add this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    #mysection .container {
    width: 100%;

    Best regards,


    Hello, thank you for the reply.

    I’m sorry but I’m not sure what you mean by “color section.”

    Could you please advise.




    Ismael meant Color Section element which you can add in Avia Layout Builder under Layout Elements and give it a unique ID in this case, mysection




    Thank you for the input. I found the “color section.” Is it possible to make color sections in posts as well?

    Also, after I make the color section, could you please advise on how to place the panorama into this section?
    Panos are implemented through shortcode:
    [panorama360 src=”” style=”position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 0;” mousewheel=”1″][/panorama360]

    I have the above css in my quick css btw.

    Thank you



    No, it is not possible. You can add your shortcode inside a Textblock element which is under Content elements in Avia Layout Builder



    OK, thanks for the help!

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