Tagged: enfold, woocommerce
Looking at the demo site here on these pages:
There are some differences to what happens in reality with the enfold theme and a vanilla installation of Woocommerce.
For example the product list page shown here http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/shop/ has a custom side bar, without the common sidebar being added and a dedicated sidebar which isn’t elsewhere on the demo.
How was this achieved?
Also in reality, the sidebar appears under the product details (see CSS hiding suggestion here) not to the right hand side and is exactly what happened on our site too.
What did you do to make these pages look how they do?
Hi Matt!
WooCommerce adds a new sidebar area in the widgets area specifically for the shop. You can customize its content there.
Widgets in the display everywhere will always show everywhere. There are a number of plugins that let you customize what widgets show where which you can use if you want more control over the widgets in your sidebars. Specifically this one: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/widget-logic/ and this one which is a bit easier to use http://wordpress.org/plugins/display-widgets/
The sidebar is intended to go under the product image. The demo just doesn’t have widgets on the sidebar for single products.