Tagged: CSS, gravity forms
I have some Problems with the Gravity Forms Styling.
As i read from the Feature-List the Theme supports Gravity Forms, but there are some styling issues.
Please take a look at the form : http://specialpress.de/plugins/spgfle/enfold-test/
There is a special setting at each field to define the size of the field (small, medium, large).
But as you could see from the test-page all fields have the same (small – why not full) size.
This happends to all fields.
But the Name and Address fields works right. Why ?
Also there are some issues with the default GF styles like (gf_left_half, ….).
As you could see from the test-page the date-dropdown works right without any GF setting.
But when i use some of the GF settings styles the dropdown fails.
Please could you fix this bugs ?
Hey naranili!
Please try to insert following code into the quick css field
#top .gform_body input[type="text"] { width: 100%; }
Best regards,
As you could see from the test-page this doesn’t work.
Now all fields have the fill width.
But the field-size must depend on the field setting (small, large, medium).
Also this doesn’t work for other input types (like select) and also it doesn’t solve the dropdown problem with the preset styles.
In case that GF will ouput special classes for this settings i added this :
#top .gform_body .small { width: 25%; }
#top .gform_body .medium { width: 50%; }
#top .gform_body .large { width: 100%; }
This works for the field size problem (please integrate it in the next release).
But the Dropdown Problem isn’t solved.
Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:
.gf_left_half .gfield_date_dropdown_month, .gf_left_half .gfield_date_dropdown_day, .gf_left_half .gfield_date_dropdown_year {
width: 30% !important;