I have two easy questions, but I can’t find a quick answer from the other archived questions. I am new to the theme.
First, the feature image is not showing on the front page. I have used “blog posts” and selected “Multi Author Blog” which should show the featured image. There is also a featured image for that post, but it is not showing up.
Second, I have altered the color scheme to show that white is the text of the menu at the top. It previews correctly in the enfold window of the admin view. However it does not changed. I have tried viewing it another browser to see if it is a caching problem, but it still exists.
For the first one, can you create an administrator account and post it here as a private reply?
Regarding the second one, this code will fix it (add it to Quick CSS):
#avia-menu a {
color: white !important;
#avia-menu .sub-menu a:hover{
color: #c3512f !important;
Somewhere on your Quick CSS or custom.css, you have this css code that removes or hide the big featured image:
.big-preview.multi-big {
display: none !important;
Please locate that one and remove it or you can add this at the very bottom of custom.css or Quick CSS:
.big-preview.multi-big {
display: block !important;
Regarding that code. I was trying to use that CSS to stop the featured image from showing up on the blog post. But it looks like it prevents also on the main page when I use the ““blog posts” element in the layout tool. Is it possible to have it only show up on the main page but still prevent it from showing at the top of each blog post?