know IE 8 is well out of date but if you select a custom header and size it to the specified 340px * 156px, then it doesn’t display properly at all in IE 8. i noticed it at the library when testing, as well as my local college, seems a lot of public places are not great on updating their browsers! just a bit of a worry that for anybody that isn’t up to date that visits the site will get a naff looking logo with half of the logo cut off.
the site is still very rough but have a look please:
can send you a screen shot if you need as not sure if you’ll still have a version of I.E 8 readily available to test. not unless you have a holiday home in a 3rd world country that is! :-)
Re-upload the image at 170×88. IE8 ignores the image width designated in the css to constrain it to fit and the previous fixes we had in place for it seemed to have been removed from IE8.