Tagged: enfold, javascript
Hi guys.
I own enfold, bought it 2 times and I´m loving it. I’m just a Graphic Designer that loves websites but I’m really not a coder, just some basic-intermediate CSS and HTML.
As a client request, I need to insert a section below the slider in the homepage. I coded the section with Dreamweaver CS6 on a local site, it is working fine though I don’t know how to insert the javascript into the theme’s code.
On my local site I inserted my HTML with a custom widget and CSS on the custom.css everything is working except for the JS.
Here are the links:
Site http://ee2.lafabricadigital.com.mx/
Section I need to insert.
It needs more styling but you can see the main js behaviour. It is a sliding panel that expands OnMouseOver and collapse OnMouseOut.
Thanks for your help.
Haz probado poner el codigo en js/avia.js (en el final)?
Y el HTML en un Text block.
OK Josué Gracias! lo intentaré mañana. Ya es algo tarde por aqui.
Vale, estamos atentos al resultado que tengas :)
Funciona Perfecto Josué! Muchas gracias!
Mañana lo subo al sitio de desarrollo en línea por si gustas verlo.
Y lo que necesitaba insertar estaba aquí :) (no lo puse bien en mi primer mensaje)
Please use this plugin. This will enable you to insert javascript snippet inside posts or pages: http://wordpress.org/plugins/insert-html-snippet/
Best regards,