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  • #203390

    The Address and Contact Information field is missing.


    Hi barrowcreative!

    Can you please give us a link to the Contact page? You can add multiple fields using the Contact Form element. You can also use these plugins: http://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/ or Gravity Forms



    Here is the page: http://agdance.co/contact/
    I do have contact form 7 installed.. how do I integrate it with your contact page with the map?

    On the theme Options page / Contact Settings my options are:
    Background Map
    <MISSING CONTACT INFO (name, number etc..>
    Mail Host
    SMTP Port
    SMTP Security
    SMTP Authentication
    Mail Account
    Mail Account Password
    Contact Email Address
    Contact Email Subject
    Contact Email Template



    It seems like you’re using a theme which was not created by us (called “blackpearl”). Please switch to Enfold (or any other Kriesi theme) and we’ll look into it.


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