Tagged: compression, CSS, js, minify, pagespeed, performance, seo
December 22, 2013 at 6:30 pm #203073
I am working to optimize my site.I am launching the site as a SEO specialist, and it would behoove me to have a fast loading optimized site.
I have tried a TON of plugins, with combinations, exclusions, etc- and none of them work. Most of them break the theme- it seems the theme CSS cannot be minified or the header or footer without things not working correctly. Using Async on the JS causes the icons and bars to not load correctly.
The best configuration I have seen yet is to use W3 Total Cache and disable all Minify. Then to use Asynchronous Javascript plugin and exclude jquery and some LayerSlider jQuery handles such as : layerslider_js,transit,layerslider_transitions,jquery_easing
Can you perhaps recommend an exact plugin configuration to use with Enfold that will do the following:
minify/compress CSS
minify/compress JS
Load JS asynchronously
Not break bars, icons, and animationsIf you need to see the site it is https://www.virginiaseo.org and you can also run PageSpeed Insights and it will show you a score of 70 on mobile and 88 on desktop. While this is great, I think it has room for improvement.
I can also for sure way it is the theme and how the plugins interact with it- I set up another site using the theme Dixit and the W3 Total Cache with minifies enabled and it works just great. For the life of me I cannot get any minify to work with Enfold.
Thanks in advance for the help!!
December 22, 2013 at 8:42 pm #203099The best results I have gotten, after about 15 hours of testing:
W3 Total Cache setup for defaults will all minify settings disabled.
Better WP Minify enabled with the beta differed plugin installed, which “async’s” the files.
Under Better WP Minify settings, I set “Scripts to be minified and then printed separately” to contain:
avia-js-child-mychartWithout jquery in there everything breaks. Without the compat, default, and shortcodes in there the home page bars and buttons do not load. The child scripts are for a HTML5 chart I use, and are not really in the equation here.
If I remove any of those items, things break. With these settings I see 72/100 on mobile and 90/100 on desktop.
The blocking scripts are the ones I have listed above, though there is a different number for mobile and for desktop. It is almost as if there is a theme function setup to load scripts differently on mobile devices, and this overrides the Better WP Minify settings.
December 23, 2013 at 12:43 am #203133Hey!
Kriesi uses http://wordpress.org/plugins/bwp-minify/ on the theme demos. If you are going to minify things you need to make sure the css and scripts are still loaded in the same order. But they definitely still can be minified.
We don’t have any specific how-tos right now on using any one caching plugin or minify plugin but each plugins guides are the best resource since so much of the set up is specific to the users site and installation.
DevinDecember 23, 2013 at 1:39 am #203140Hey guys
I’ve been using W3TC for a while on its own.
I have 92/100 on desktop and 71/100 for mobile.Whilst I understand that the nature of the theme and other issues will always have an impact on speed versus function (always a trade-off) much will also depend on your hosting.
However, if it helps you can minify almost everything except for “../avia.js” and “../shortcodes.js” as the theme will break with my current configuration. My JS and CSS minify options are 100% enabled.
If you head over to GTMetrix though there are some extra advice options including the serving of scaled images (which seem to be inaccurately reported through the theme) and also the specifying of image dimensions not being set. Maybe run a test and have a look for yourself. It would be interesting to get feedback from you Devin on this situation? Why image dimensions are not being set for the sliders?
Oh and don’t bother paying for W3TC tech support to set up your plugin – the biggest waste of four weeks and $250 ever!!! Sorry, but just trying to help you guys from my own experience.
Maybe you can shift some static file serving via Cloudflare or something if you want to split resource loads? That’s where I will head soon with new image content. Worth a try to speed things up.
Hope that helps.
December 23, 2013 at 2:28 am #203151We’ve had good reports from users on using Cloudflare to get a good speed boost in addition to generally setting up a caching plugin.
The images don’t have a specific defined width because the containers they are in define the width based on the current viewers screen size. So they are all always 100% width or max-width: 100%. There are of course exceptions for specific items but that is the general setup for everything.
As Ed said however the biggest factor is typically your hosting provider. How it responds to your requests and if you are sharing the same hardware with other sites can have a huge influence in how your sites speed score is shown.
December 23, 2013 at 2:31 am #203152Thanks Devin – I knew you’d be able to set things straight with image containers!
Always appreciate your help :)Regards
Ed -
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