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  • #201442

    Hello Guys,

    We are using your theme for our webste [HBj Capital ]

    Few days before we migrated the data from our old blogger site into this one – but now we are missing all the images on our blogs home page [its set to display a featured image and heading + preview] We tried using several plugins to automatically generate featured images from posts, but none of them are working. So it would be great if you can somehow help us.

    EDIT 1

    Sorry guys, it seems I didnt explain the situation clearly. As mentioned before we migrated from blogger to WordPress. As we had a large no of posts we used the cms2cms service for migration. After migration when we checked the installation, the images are there but when you click on some image it wont appear in light box and displays error message saying the image is missing. [whiles the same images is being used for preview] On deeper investigation it was found that, the images have blank spaces between them and on the preview/ post it comes up perfectly – but when you click it -Some script [i believe its pretty photo ] adds a “+” sign where the blank space was.

    Please help us with suggestions.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by hbjcapital. Reason: Detailed explanation / Wrong Cause


    We can’t help you with that since the issue is not theme-related, unfortunately that’s out the scope of the support we can offer :(


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