I’ve got a short question: Who did you design the background image with the three icon-boxes on this site: http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/pages/help/?
Best regards
Can you instruct me on how to set up the call to action sermon button on the home page right underneath the slider and also the wording right next to it?
Please watch these video to learn more about the theme: http://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes
@BiallaC: Use the Color Section then upload a background image. Insert column layouts inside with the Icon boxes etc.
@hershelebram: Do you have the Enfold theme or the Incarnation theme? Please use the Template Builder then insert the Text Area/ Callout / Quotes element, select the Callout for Text Styling.
I have incarnation theme….?
Please do the instruction above.
Please use the Template Builder then insert the Text Area/ Callout / Quotes element, select the Callout for Text Styling.
Thanks for the info. I was able to add it but now the slider and text on the homepage doesnt show up. What am I doing wrong?
Awesome! Thanks for the support!
Hey @hershelabram,
Can you create a new topic with the issue in the Incarnation forums here: https://kriesi.at/support/forum/incarnation/
That way we can address your question/issue specifically and don’t accidentally confuse anyone thinking this is an Enfold theme question/issue.