Hello: I’m sure there is something I’ve overlooking. I’m trying to have the entire “NEWS” story appear in the Post Slider on the home page since they’re only a paragraph. Where can I adjust that?
Hi lisabarfield!
Please edit your Post Slider element and make sure that you are choosing all categories and choose to display all entries http://i.imgur.com/SA7zaue.jpg
No, what I mean is teh correct category is appearing, but it’s being truncated at about 150 characters instead of the entire story. I want the entire story to appear. Where can I adjust that.
Please edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > postslider.php, find this code on line 293:
$prepare_excerpt = !empty($entry->post_excerpt) ? $entry->post_excerpt : avia_backend_truncate($entry->post_content, apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_length' , 60) , apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_delimiter' , " "), "…", true, '');
Replace it with:
$prepare_excerpt = !empty($entry->post_excerpt) ? $entry->post_excerpt : avia_backend_truncate($entry->post_content, apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_length' , 300) , apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_delimiter' , " "), "…", true, '');
that did the trick–thank you. One last related question: I have a button placed in a post that is appearing on the home page but it’s not showing up on the home page, just in the single post page.