Okay, would like to thank you in advance for your great support. Love your product/love your support.
Earlier today, I have posted question about the best/ideal file size for Frontpage full size layer slider. I asked this question because I noticed (this morning) that my website was very slow, and ended up talking to bluehost who informed me that three of my images on the frontpage/homepage were too big. (Each about 1.0MB).
I did some researching on your support forum and also noted Image Sizes on the documentations that the image sizes can be anywhere from 1500X430. And (I am not a computer guy, I am guessing these sizes are rather big in size.
*** What should I do? Should I add some additional css codes on my site to allow my images run smoothly? Right now, all my images are around 500KB. Will this cause problem down the road? Am I missing something? Thank You.
Hey Jae!
If they are jpegs you can use: http://www.jpegmini.com/
Or for PNG files use: https://tinypng.com/
The goal is to shrink the file size without losing quality or reducing the pixel dimensions.
Best regards,