Hello fellow Enfolder’s,
I’m very very new to WordPress,
Actually this entire template has been a bit troublesome since its purchase. I have several question actually but this one belongs in the Header section. I have taken a screenshot of my issue, but where do I add the screenshot on the forum??
My layout keeps reverting back to something else as well. I created a child image and I’m working off of that. I just need some help please.
I know that wordpress is not hard to master but I really need some help here!
Hi MaxMyBody1!
You can upload your screenshots on Imgur.com or Dropbox and post the links here so we can help you out
Best regards,
1.) Please set a menu on Appearance > Menus > Theme Location > Enfold Main Menu.
2.) I really don’t see the problem on the slider. Can you please elaborate?
Please watch these videos to learn more about the theme: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes
Best regards,