Hi, can you help me please. Where i can find those words in code – “Follow on Twitter” (it in Enfold RSS Link and Twitter Account widget). I want to translate it to my language. Thank you!
in .Po file i didn´t find it.
Hi sacden!
You can locate that on framework > php > class-framework-widgets.php, find the code on line 600:
$output .= "<a href='$link' class='asc_twitter $addClass'>{$before}<strong class='asc_count'>".__('Follow','avia_framework')."</strong><span>".__('on Twitter','avia_framework')."</span></a>";
You can use Codestyling Localization plugin to translate the strings.
No, Codestyling just helps you to translate the language files (po and mo files) but it does not allow you to create a translated version of your website. Codestyling just replaces some parts of the “String Translation” feature of WPML when it comes to the po/mo translation. Nevertheless I think the user interface of Codestyling is more intuitive when it comes to po/mo file translations and I recommend to use it instead of the WPML po/mo file translation. You need to download the plugin here: http://wordpress.org/plugins/codestyling-localization/
Best regards,
Thank you! I ll try it!
Have a nice day!