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  • #183109


    I have been using the code below which I found on another thread to reduce the size of the contact form fields. However, since the latest update these no longer have any effect, any idea why:

    /*removes margin from above and below form inputs*/
    .ajax_form p {
    margin: 0;

    /*padding inside the inputs*/
    #top .ajax_form .text_input, #top .ajax_form .select, #top .ajax_form .text_area {
    padding-top: 4px;
    padding-bottom: 4px;
    /*re add padding to captcha only*/
    #top .ajax_form .text_input.captcha {
    padding-top: 13px;
    padding-bottom: 13px;

    /*re add some space above the submit*/
    #top .ajax_form .button {
    margin-top: 13px;

    The original thread is:


    Hey awilson3rd!

    Your website: is not loading:

    Service Temporarily Unavailable

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.



    Hello Josue,

    Think you might have misread the post. That is not my website:-) I was just using the code suggested in the forum link I posted
    but as advised, for some reason since the last update it does not work – sorry, can’t give you a link but need to know what has changed to make it stop working?




    Hey Andrew!

    Oh, sorry for that confusion, regarding your issue, it’s hard to know why it stopped working without seeing the site live, you can try debugging yourself if you want with the Dev Tools or something alike.

    I tried your code on my local installation (latest version of Enfold), and it did affected the contact form:

    Where did you put this code? custom.css or Quick CSS?



    Thanks for the reply.

    I put it in the quick css (I don’t normally touch custom.css). It’s strange because it was working fine along with other element changes in the quick css but after the update the rest are still working but the contact form one isn’t being read for some reason.

    Thanks again,



    I should also have mentioned that the form is within an icon box but like I say, it wasn’t a problem before.




    Hi Andrew,

    Try putting it in css/custom.css.



    Tried but still no effect. I don’t think it’s an issue with the icon box because I have a general contact form too and the css isn’t being applied to that either.




    It’s an issue with CSS not being applied, maybe enfold.css isn’t being re-generated, etc. Try put it in css/custom.css.



    I did:-) But still no joy. css seems to be ok because I have quite a few customization’s in the quick css and they are all working ok – well, apart from the form as mentioned above. I know it’s difficult for you to troubleshoot but this was fine until the last update (well, the one before yesterday’s update) so I am lost,





    Can you please post the link to your website? Please give us a link to the actual contact page. Do you have a contact form plugin?



    Hello Ismael,

    No there is no other contact plugin. Also, as mentioned, I know it is difficult to troubleshoot without a link but I cannot provide one at this time. I have tried disabling all plugins but still the css for the form does not work.

    Is there any css for changing other elements of the form such as colors etc so I can test that.

    Thanks again,




    Try this to see if it works, it will change the background color of inputs an textareas:

    .ajax_form input, .ajax_form textarea {
    background: #008000 !important;


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