Hey there, site I am referring to:
The Categories for sorting are listed Alphabetically:
Alle/ Gartenbau / Gartenpflege / Spezialaufträge / Umgebungsarbeiten
Question: I would like to have the order as following (just switch the last two):
Alle/ Gartenbau / Gartenpflege / Umgebungsarbeiten / Spezialaufträge
How would you go about this new sorting? I could try via functions.php or add a new custom field for the portfolio categories called “number” or something. I realized it could be JavaScript that sorts the items.
Thanks for your support.
Hello tawesome!
By default WordPress does not allow you to change the order of terms/categories but you can use this plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/taxonomy-terms-order/ to sort them.
Thanks buddy, works like gold.
Have a good weekend!