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  • #176960

    When I send a form, I don’t receive anything at the specified email address.


    Is this a common problem? Are there specific settings I should set, or I should ask my provider to set?

    Do I need to install an contact forms plugin? (separate from Enfold?)


    Hello ReneBrouwer!

    Maybe your server can’t use the php mail function to send emails. please try to use a smtp plugin like:

    Best regards,


    Thanks Peter,

    When I add a user from the dashboard, I do get an email from WP. Does that indicate the php mail function does work?

    Thanks in advance!


    Solved! I hadn’t properly named the form, because I didn’t want any visible text. But of course php needs a form name!

    I would very much like to be able to hide the name of the form for the visitors of the site.

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