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  • #175332

    Updating from Abundance to Enfold and the Woo product images are all huge!

    I have changed setting noted in Woo Commerce> Catalog > Image Options

    These settings affect the actual dimensions of images in your catalog – the display on the front-end will still be affected by CSS styles. After changing these settings you may need to regenerate your thumbnails.
    Catalog Images 225px, Width 225, Height ,Yes Hard Crop
    Single Product Image 300 Width , 300 Height , Yes Hard Crop
    Product Thumbnails 80 Width, 80 Height, Yes Hard Crop

    It says that the catalog will change but I need to CSS in the theme. (Abundance integrated this for me) How do I get the css for the product image changes and not affect the other post images?



    Hey NavGrief!

    Can you please give us a link to the product page with the huge images? Have you tried to regenerating the thumbnails?


    Test site.. work in progress!

    Yes, I did regenerate images. I even took the featured image out of the product, updated and then reloaded.

    Most woo product images created at 450 x 450. The e-book product did resize but to the native size not the style.

    Thank you.



    You’re using a 3 column layout but you’re uploading small featured images. Please try larger images as featured image for products. Suggested minimum width should be 400px.



    Thank you. However, my product images are 450 x 450. The Woo Commerce settings should be sampling down to 225 or 300 based on the category or single product view. What about the notice on the front end about CSS style noted in color above? Where is that applied?
    I have my own IT on this now, but there is a break in code between the Woo and Enfold IMHO on my site. We’ll see.

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