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  • #168637

    When selecting a monthly archive, the breadcrum is something like this:

    Home > Blog > Automatic concepts > 2013 > July

    Any idea why it is showing ‘Automatic concepts’? When selecting that link it shows a 404 page. I’ve also seen something like Home > Blog > Homepage > 2013 > July. But that I can repeat no more. Any suggestions?



    Hey wvanderzee!

    The breadcrumbs work by referencing where the person came from as well as the logical structure so if they got to that page from whatever automatic concepts is it may be showing.

    If we can see the page live and get a sense for how its all set up we may be able to dig a bit deeper and see whats happening with more detail.



    Hi Devin,

    This is the link to the monthly archive: http://alpha.diaconaalsteunpunt.nl/archief/#tab-id-5

    It somewhat changed how the breadcrum is displayed, now two slashes are displayed, as can be seen here: http://alpha.diaconaalsteunpunt.nl/2013/08/

    The breadcrum at that pages shows (in Dutch): U bevind zich hier: Home / Actueel / / 2013 / augustus
    In English that is something like: Home / News / / 2013 / august
    Note the double slashes before 2013.


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