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  • #167635

    1. How can I have the breadcrumb bar show up *only* on forum pages
    2. How can I change the font color of text used the the bbpress edit box and for posts?
    3. How can I expand the width of the main body area of the forum and reduce the width of the forum side bar (only want these changes to apply to forum pages)



    Hi stunna42!

    1) In functions-enfold.php replace

    if($breadcrumb) $additions .= avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true));


    if($breadcrumb && is_bbpress()) $additions .= avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true));

    2) Use following css code:

    #top .main_color .bbp-body p{
    color: #333;
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-the-content-wrapper textarea.bbp-the-content {
    color: #333;

    The first rule will change the text color of the posts and the second rule will change the editor text color.

    3) In functions.php search for

    $avia_config['layout']['fullsize'] 		= array('content' => 'twelve alpha', 'sidebar' => 'hidden', 	 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'eleven');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_left'] 	= array('content' => 'nine', 		 'sidebar' => 'three alpha' ,'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_right'] = array('content' => 'nine alpha',   'sidebar' => 'three alpha', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine alpha');

    and replace it with

    $avia_config['layout']['fullsize'] 		= array('content' => 'twelve alpha', 'sidebar' => 'hidden', 	 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'eleven');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_left'] 	= array('content' => 'nine', 		 'sidebar' => 'three alpha' ,'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_right'] = array('content' => 'nine alpha',   'sidebar' => 'three alpha', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'nine alpha');
    $avia_config['layout']['sidebar_right'] = array('content' => 'ten alpha',   'sidebar' => 'two alpha', 'meta' => 'two alpha', 'entry' => 'ten alpha');

    Now the sidebar uses two units of the 12 units grid (instead of 3) and the content will use 10 units instead of 9.



    Hi Dude/Peter! My apologies…I’m almost certainly doing something wrong here. I tried all of the suggested changes above and none of them seemed to have any impact. I cleared my browser cache…may I need to do something else?

    Thanks again!


    Note: The only difference changes 1 & 3 appear to make is to force the logo to shrink (which is not intended)



    Maybe the is_bbpress() conditional doesn’t work in your case. You can try the conditionals from here:

    i.e. replace is_bbpress() with (is_post_type_archive(‘forum’) || is_singular(array( ‘forum’, ‘topic’, ‘reply’)))

    Best regards,


    Hi Dude – I’m not having any luck here and am having some other BBpress issues. Is there any way to pay for premium support and have someone go in and help with these and other fixes?



    You can hire a freelance here.



    Are there any freelancers that you recommend for this theme?



    You can look for freelancers specialized in Themeforest theme modification:

    Best regards,

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