Tagged: button, hover, LayerSlider, link
hi, i’d like to know if is possible to add a button or a link to layerslider and setting the hover function, to make it change color when the mouse pointer is over it.
it would be very usefull, thanks
could someone answer me?
i just need to know if is possible or not, maybe modifying the custom css.
You can add the avia button markup inside a layer.
<div class="avia-button-wrap layerslider-button avia-button-center avia-builder-el-1 el_after_av_blog avia-builder-el-last "><a href="LINK HERE" class="avia-button avia-icon_select-yes avia-color-theme-color avia-size-small avia-position-center "><span class="avia_iconbox_title">THIS IS A BUTTON</span></a></div>
Add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS to change the hover effect.
.main_color .layerslider-button .avia-color-theme-color, .main_color .avia-color-theme-color:hover {
background: red;
Best regards,