Hi. It appears that the only way to use the advanced layer slider that comes with the theme is via the advanced layout editor. how can I insert the advanced layer slider on a page? I have tried using just the shortcode without success.
You can add Advanced layer slider element under Media Elements in Avia Layout Builder. But it should be on top of the page if you are using sidebar or sidebar will not display any content.
Hi. I know that I can add the slider that way. However, I prefer not to use the Advanced Page Layout builder for some pages. in those cases, I would like to insert this slider via a typical shortcode, but the Advaced Layer Slider does not appear in the Tiny MCE shortcode editor. The only option for a slider here is the EASY SLIDER…
And when I use a shortcode like this [layerslider id="6"]
it just appears as text on the page
Hello Mindspark!
The LayerSlider is only available via the Advanced Layout Editor at this time. You can turn on debuging mode to get the shortcode generated by it but keep in mind it is also always going to be full width in whatever container you put it in (it breaks columns for example).
Add this to your functions.php for the debug window to appear below the advanced layout editor:
//set builder mode to debug
add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
function builder_set_debug()
return "debug";
Be careful when editing that field since it goes directly to the database.
Best regards,
thanks so much! maybe you will consider adding it to the shortcode editor in the future?
You can request that feature in here https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-feature-requests/
Best regards,