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  • #1479074

    Hello, the background image in the color section should not be visible on small screens. To achieve this, I have made 2 color sections ad set the element visibility under responsive accordingly, one for large creen, one for small screens. For the small screens the background image is not included anymore. Yet it still shows when I look at it on my mobile. Other changes like text changes show up. Why is the image still there?


    Ok it is gone now. Perhaps it just took a moment?
    But now there are 2 short black horizontal lines left and right. What are they? How to get rid of them?


    here is a screenshot of what I mean:
    what is this?


    Just realised. It is the z from the word datenschutz from the footer. What it is doing there?



    But now there are 2 short black horizontal lines left and right. What are they? How to get rid of them?

    That is the border of the color section inside the footer page. Please refer to this thread:

    Best regards,

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