ich habe jetzt mehrfach versucht, das Enfold-Theme zu installieren und bekomme jedes Mal die Fehlermeldung, dass es einen kritischen Fehler auf der Webseite gab.
Die Webseite ist http://www.andersleben-anderspflegen.de
Könnt Ihr prüfen wieso dieser Fehler auftritt.
Danke für die Hilfe.
Viele Grüße
Hey Whippert,
There mat may be a few issues, first lest start with if you are using the installable WP version from your Theme Forest account and upload it to your WordPress ▸ Appearance ▸ Themes ▸ Add Themes ▸ Add New
If that is true, has your host enabled the PHP ZipArchive Extension?
Best regards,
I dont know whether I got you wrong. Although the Licence ist about 3 years old, i made a fresh download today, because with the old (original) theme I had the same situation. Due to a Hacker Action we had to set up the Web-Space again. This had be done a few days ago by IONONOS, so technically everything should be up to date.
I installed the zip file through wordpress and the file I choosed was enlod.zip file. I hope I made everything correct.
Thank you for the inquiry.
We can’t access the site due to a critical error. Please make sure to extract the enfold.zip file from the downloaded package before uploading it to the site. You can also upload the theme via FTP. Please check this documentation: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-update/#update-via-ftp
If the issue persists, please switch the installation to debug mode, then provide the WP login details in the private field: https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/debug/debug-wordpress/#example-wp-config-php-for-debugging
Best regards,