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  • #1478242

    the top of the text disappears when I narrow the window and the burger Menu appears. Why is that? Also the burger menu is aligned more to the right that the text menu. They should both be aligned to the column width. Please send code.


    Hey ausgesonnen,

    This CSS is causing that to happen:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px) {
      .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet.html_header_top #top #main {
        padding-top: 0 !important;
        margin: 0;

    Did you add it in Quick CSS maybe?

    Best regards,


    yes this is code that Günni sent me and I included it in quick css. So what exactly is the problem and what is the solution?

    Here again the problem:
    the top of the text disappears when I narrow the window and the burger Menu appears. Why is that? Also the burger menu is aligned more to the right that the text menu. They should both be aligned to the column width. Please send code.


    Bump – please also reply to this.



    The problem is that the code in question removes the default padding, and that leaves your content under the header on tablet sizes. If that is not what you would like, then please remove the code.

    Best regards,


    Please explain which code exactly is doing this?


    I checked again and this code does not exist in the quick CSS. Where did you find it?



    You can try to override it using the snippet I posted above then. The padding-top statement adds padding to the element in question. Try increasing it by 200 or 300 pixels for example.

    Best regards,

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