How can I create a home page top area with video, like the one attached. And it looks good on mobile view.
Hey bemodesign,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You can use a Video element placed within a Column element. Make sure it is muted if you want it to play automatically.
Best regards,
I get how to do that, but it just make a floating video with a frame edge all around it. The one on this page is responsive and bottom/right-justified. And the video is in a shape, not just rectangle. And on mobile view, it is a bigger video below the headlines. Any ideas on how this is done?
Thank you for the update.
You can apply a large top-left border radius to the column element and position it relative to the parent container. Please create a test page, add a Color Section, insert two 1/2 Column elements inside the section, add Text or Special Heading in the first column and Video in the second. Then we’ll provide you with the modifications needed to create the shape and adjust the position of the video.
Best regards,
So now not only your own websites that you create for your customers are secret (which I can understand), but also an example page that you find on the public Internet?