How can I add a custom icon to the icon box in enfold theme? I´ve created the custom icon and saved it as a .svg vector file.
Hey Tim,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You need to convert the SVG file to an Iconfont before uploading it to the Iconfont Manager. You can use the Iconfont converter in the Fontello site. Please refer to the documentation below for more info:
Best regards,
You can not use.otf or .woff, use must use iconfont which will only be black and white, no colors.
Please see this post, Guenni007 points out that Fontello is a bit picky about the compound paths and offers a solution.
He also offers a solution to use images instead of svg here.
Please note that using the contact form is not appropriate for support questions, please log in to the support forum and open a new thread if you need further assistance.
Best regards,
This post is from the contact form, please log in to the support forum and open a new thread
Best regards,
Hi Mike,
okay, got it. I´ve created a new thread over there:
Best regards,