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  • #1469578

    Very often I get complains that our website loads broken like in the screenshot (link is in private content)
    After reload everything loads fine, then after several days it again broken.
    My CDN and W3 Total Cache is disabled.
    Clear cache did not help.
    Problem happens on different computers and iphones.
    I understand that reload helps, but I can not ask every visitor to do it.
    Website: buzaevclinic.ru
    Could you help me to fix it?


    Hey ibuzaev,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    This might be an issue with the cache, compression or CDN plugin. We get a lot of resource errors like this:

    style.min.css:1  Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

    Have you tried to temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings or the cache plugin?

    Best regards,

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