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  • #1468648


    I have a couple of questions regarding accessibility.

    1. Assistive tools navigating landmarks – Is it correct to add the text “content” to the Aria Label Text field in the Advanced section of a Color Section & if you have more than one color section should you add this for each?

    (I have the footer on a page in a color section with the Aria Label Text: footer)

    i.e. for meeting accessibility standards for assistive tool navigation should each color section explain what it is in the Aria Label Text – content or footer

    2. The website has been evaluated by an independent assessor who has come back with a number of accessibility points I am working through.
    Could you please advise on this point that has been raised?
    The scroll to top button does not provide a link purpose.
    Aria is set to aria-hidden=true so this is not an definitive fail. But the user can still
    navigate to the button with the tab keys.
    Recommend solution
    Provide label.

    How would I provide a label?

    I will be grateful for your advice with these questions.

    Thanks Nick


    Hey Meetx,
    Thank you for your patience,
    For the “scroll to top button” is set to “aria-hidden=true” as it is not critical to understanding the page’s purpose or functionality, WAI-ARIA says this is correct to prevent the screen reader from announcing its presence or content. This doesn’t prevent tabbing.
    Nonetheless if you want to change this and add a label try adding this code to the end of your child theme functions.php file in Appearance ▸ Editor:

    function custom_script() { ?>
    const button = document.getElementById('scroll-top-link');
    button.setAttribute( "aria-hidden", "false"  );
    button.setAttribute( "aria-label", "label"  );
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'custom_script', 99 );

    Please adjust the “label” to whatever you want it to say.
    Please ensure to copy the code from the forum and not an email notification so the symbols are not converted.

    Best regards,

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