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  • #1468404

    I haven’t created a custom post type before. Lots of wordpress tutorials out there on this but I can’t find one specifically for Enfold.

    I’m creating a different section of the website that will be managed by a sub-editor. It will describe different projects and include functionality for visitors to read about projects, comment on them and complete surveys and polls. We will use WPForms Pro for the surveys and polls.

    Just thought I’d check with you first before diving in. Do you have any suggestions please?


    Well in the end the portfolio is a custom post type too.
    So you can have a look how enfold handles this posttype: first look goes to single-portfolio.php
    in the middle of that file there is arround line 42 : get_template_part so next file to look for could be : loop-portfolio-single.php

    now there are a lot of files where this new cpt should be inserted – first functions.php to load that new cpt via require_once a register php had to be there.
    then … etc. etc. a lot of work – if you want to do it the right way.

    Aren’t there a lot of Plugins generating CPT’s with a nice UI ?


    Usually I don’t post until I get into trouble. I thought I’d try things differently this time round and ask for advice first :)

    Thank you for those suggestions and others in the past. This is the website I’m working on Palm Cove Vision


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