Hello! I found one answer in the forum but didn´t understand it cause i don´t know anything about CSS.
I want to make the phone number on my contact page and in the footer clickable, so that if someone clicks on the number on the mobile it directly calls the number.
The same i want to do with the e-mail Adress on the contact page and in the footer, so that it directly opens the mail programm to write the mail.
How can i do that? Is that also possible without knowing anything about CSS?
Hey annac166,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You can use replace the phone number or text with this html to make the number clickable and directly trigger a call or open an email app.
Phone number:
<a href="tel:+1234567890">Contact Us: +1 (234) 567-890</a>
<a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ">Email Us: (Email address hidden if logged out) </a>
Best regards,