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  • #1467684

    Hi wondering if you can help me

    I’m trying to link to the ID’s of the accordion and they are either not opening or they will open but put me at a different point on the screen to what is linked.

    this seems to be happening on different sites and has a problem with pre set ids as well as renamed ones

    thanks in advance


    Hey Thomas,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I think the problem is in ..\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\toggles\toggles.js around line 92:

    allContent.not(content).slideUp( slideSpeed, function()

    Can you try to remove


    and check if this helps.

    If not, can you give us admin access to a staging site where we can reproduce the problem (and we can modify this file to debug further) ??

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter

    that doesnt seem to have helped it is now not scrolling at all though it is opening the right tab



    Thanks for the credentials.

    I recognise one thing:

    – being logged in it seems to scroll to the right place (besides that the heading is covered by admin bar)
    – not logged in (in incognito window) it seems to scroll to top of the toggle section

    e.g. use “Total number of Pendent Lights:” scrolls to “Re-wiring Cost Calculator” headline in incognito, but correctly to content of toggle when logged in

    Before I digg deeper – does this give you any hint to your customizations ???

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunter,

    I’ll try disabling the plugins and report back.

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