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  • #1466916

    Hi Enfold team, sometimes I’m struggling with the backend editor to achieve something.
    I’m trying to achieve an image with overlapping content field (with white background) which contains a title, text and button. insofar my attemps have been very unsuccesfull. It doesnt seem very complicated to me, so I’m hoping you have a concrete advice on how to achieve this. sometimes this will be in columns, sometimes ‘stand alone’
    desired outcome


    Hey Peter,

    Could you post a link to where we can see the elements in question please?

    Best regards,


    the element in question is made in powerpoint, I have not managed to get even close to this in enfold..
    so i’m looking for an advice on how to get the image overlapping with a white contenf field (with leaving some space on the sided, so it doesnt overlap completely), which contains the elements that you see



    Thank you for the update.

    Add three 1/3 columns in a row. In each column, place an Image element and a Text Block, one below the other. Then, edit each Text Block, navigate to Advanced > Developer Settings, and in the Custom CSS Class field, add the class name av-overlap-text-block. After that, add the following css code to pull the text block upwards and make it overlap the image.

    .av-overlap-text-block {
       margin-top: -100px;

    Best regards,

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