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  • #1466483

    hi guys. in enfold versions after 5.7, enfold update crashes my home page. i refer to this problem in below topic but I can not understand the problem.

    I send to you complete screen shots of my home page before and after enfold update. i guess this problem is related to lite speed chache plugin but I am not sure. because I deactive all of my plugins and deleted all caches but this problem still is available.

    before update ===> https://imgur.com/YjtwOPE

    after update =====> https://imgur.com/s0Oau49


    Hey dmansouri1981,

    I can’t see any problems on my end, it displays like in the screenshot that I posted in the other thread. Please try loading the site in an incognito or private browser window.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike, In the second photo (after the theme update), is quite clear my slider crashed(I see big white space and no slider picture), and lower section of my slider I used blog post elements that I set it to 4 columns, 4 columns converted into one column and my main menu is completely vertical!!!!! still confused me how you can not see it!! The former thread I just uploaded the crashed site after the update but now I upload before the update and after the update for comparison them.



    Thank you for the update.

    When we checked, the site looked like this: https://imgur.com/YjtwOPE, not this: https://imgur.com/s0Oau49. Could you provide a screenshot of the column or blog issue? Please make sure to purge the cache or try checking the site in incognito mode.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael. I cleared the cache completely and checked in incognito mode and the problem is exactly in this URL https://imgur.com/s0Oau49 that I mentioned above. As you can see my blog post was just located in one column vertically and the slider was removed and the menu was also converted from horizontal to vertical.


    I completely removed the Lightspeed Cache plugin and its codes from Htacess, but the problem still exists.


    I find the problem and solve it. in enfold setting===> performance===> JS and CSS file merge was diable and I put it to use without merging and problem solved.



    Great, I’m glad to hear that you found a solution. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    close it. but it makes me confused wahy in former versions of Enfold 5.7 I didn’t have this problem and it took too much time I find this problem. I hope your great team solves it.



    Thanks for the update, we’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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