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  • #1465858
    Sheraz Ali

    Hi there,
    My Name is Sheraz from LINKSLINER, I have just come across your site “” and would be really interested in chatting to you further about some advertising opportunities and partnerships that would be mutually beneficial for us.
    We have a large customer base of clients prepared to pay for placing either a text-based link within your site somewhere or provide you with a New Article with the link already inserted, contextually matched to the content to the site like yours, and this can be a great way to generate an income without compromising your website.
    If you’re interested to go with us then let us know the followings:
    • Price for New Article Submission
    • Price for existing post link
    = > If you allow CBD/Casino/Crypto also then please share those prices too. <=
    Note: We are looking for a long term partnership with bloggers so can you please confirm that these prices will be the same for at least 1 year.


    Hey Sheraz Ali,

    Thanks for reaching out to us, we are not interested at the moment though.

    Best regards,

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